Facebook Jewelry Ads

Facebook Jewelry Ads

Facebook ads for your jewelry business

It’s a challenge to own a jewelry business in 2021, because the market became so competitive in the last few years and the buyer has a big access to different alternatives. The choice is too big even for them, mostly for women. It’s hard to even think about it, but it’s not impossible to do it. T

hat’s why it’s more efficient to collaborate with an advertising agency like us, that not only it will take care of everything, but it will improve your sales with at least 45%.

So, if you sell your jewelries through an e-commerce platform, you should first consider if this platform fits the needs of your business. Secondly, your online presence should be at point too.  After all, how do you want your brand to be recognized and known by potential buyers?


Have you thought about advertising your brand through Facebook?

If not, well you should know that advertisement through Facebook increase your brand awareness, eventually generating more traffic on your website and more sales. Sounds good, right?

As I said before, the market is full by the same kind of competitors that tries to sell jewelry too.

Facebook Jewelry Ads Strategy

facebook ads for jewelry ads

Contact a jewelry marketing agency


So how do you differentiate yourself from others?

Well the answer is simple. Tell a story. People love to find stories that they can relate with and in this case, mostly for women, you should find an original story that you should introduce it in your content. Get specific and don’t step on any detail, because in the jewelry world it matters. Ask yourself a few questions that will help you to create the path you’re searching for:

  • What makes my designs unique?
  • Why did I start this business?
  • How my jewelries inspire other people?

Jewelry Ads on Facebook Examples

facebook jewelry marketing agency


Another priority you should consider in your strategy is customer experience. Companies that focus more on customer experience increase more revenues and that leads to higher profit.

By offering discounts or creating an app to sell faster your products, the happier customer will be. For your customers, it matters how your brand make their life easier and brings solutions to their problems. In this case, the solutions could be in the user experience.

The key to customer experience is to make him loyal and devoted to your brand, and by that means in your advertising you should target specifically. That’s why creating a buyer persona helps you better to visualize your potential customers. If you want buyers, don’t try to address it your ad to everyone. No one will buy it. Women prefer to think that they are unique and their beauty is not similar to another. As a business that sells more jewelry to a category, like women, you should think at specific details for them and include them in different campaigns.

If you want to sell watches for men, you should do it the same. Think about what is the range age that would buy that product, how he usually likes to dress (casual or to suit), where he works and details like that. When you create your ads, you should consider advertising a product or a category that has similar products, because you will have more chances to sell these than whole different products at once.


How an advertising agency can help you to sell more jewelry?

Well, as you know everything about jewels, so do we know everything about advertising, mostly about Facebook Ads.

We handle everything from advertisements with low cost per conversion, creative ads that includes the story you tell through your designs, buyer persona profile to dynamic products ads and at the end of every month a report, where we both can analyze how we can improve your strategy.

Your needs matter the most for us, so we are at your disposal to break the market with your great pieces of jewels and our help in advertising!


Contact us Facebook Ads for Jewelry Ads


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