How to advertise your company with spending not even 1 dollar?

How to advertise your company with spending not even 1 dollar?

Advertising an online business is becoming an increasingly complex and time consuming task because there are a lot of channels and you don’t know which channels can bring you success.

Online advertising a business without the need for money is possible, but it takes your time.


How do you advertise your business without learning even 1 dollar?


  1. Social Media

Over time I have discovered a lot of small businesses that rely only on social media, which proves that platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and others are revenue generators for business and through the posted content you can get important results.

Post constantly on all major social platforms and focus on gaining engagement. Create a community around your business so that they are determined to buy.


  1. Website

You can build your business first with the help of social media, but a long-term strategy involves a website, and when a website appears in the equation, things become a little more complex.

Learn SEO as much as possible and optimize your pages, product categories and products to rank in Google and get traffic.

We also recommend that you invest time to develop a blog with useful articles for users.


  1. Email Marketing

Integrate a service like Mailchimp through which to collect emails and which allows you to send email marketing campaigns for free if you have less than 2000 subscribers.


  1. Content

Learn to create engaging content with a focus on video content. You will definitely need images, and if the images belong to you, they will be all the more relevant for the users.

The next step is to create video content in which you present your products or services. Video testimonials are also important because they provide increased credibility.


  1. Branding

The actions you take must be based on your brand and you need to highlight the features of the brand, the advantages offered, the elements of differentiation from others and even things that make all users talk about you. Take the time to find that key element that will make your brand go viral.

Whether it’s packaging, product presentation, spectacular images or videos, be creative to make your brand popular.

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