What is Social Media Marketing

What is Social Media Marketing

Social media is one of the most effective ways to distribute information and promote products with the goal of increasing the number of potential customers. Bellow you have the definition of Social Media Marketing or SMM.

Social media is a group of tools (web sites and software / applications) that work with an Internet-connected device (computer, laptop, tablet, mobile phone) to facilitate the communication of Internet users by creating, distributing or exchanging content (text, photo, video, audio, multimedia presentations, etc.). The exchange of information is made between members of social groups (friends, colleagues, family etc.) that are formed on a trustworthy basis. Through social media every member seeks to capitalize on his identity, belonging, creativity and freedom of expression and participation.

The above definition highlights people’s desire to distribute content and to create an image within different social networks.
Investing in social networking marketing is the next step that all companies need to do, because people like to socialize and tend to think more about other people’s views than what they see in a traditional advertisement. An opinion given by a known or anonymous person matters much more than what a company says about its own services.

What are the most important social networks?
– Facebook;
– Twitter;
– Instagram;
– YouTube
– LinkedIn;
– Google+
– Pinterest;
– Snapchat etc.


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